Thursday, October 19, 2023

October Celebrations

October is a special month for Grayden and I.  I've written about it every October since I've been blogging.  Both of our birthdays are this month and it's also our 56th anniversary! We are so blessed to have each other!  Being with the one you love so long we both bought each other the same anniversary card!   

This has been a very trying time for Grayden and I as he has had health issues since we returned home from our World Voyage the last of May.  Our area is suffering from lack of specialists that Grayden needed to see.  We had to wait until September 15th before seeing the proper doctor and get a diagnosis.  Then tests and tests and more tests.  Boy are we tired.  I've always wanted to keep things positive here, but this situation has been less than positive for our mental health--more me than my sweetheart...He is now on meds that are helping him immensely.  His neuropathy has lessened and surgery is scheduled for next week for severe carpal tunnel in both hands.  They preform one hand and then wait until that heals and then the other. 

Between tests Grayden invited me to Williamsburg for a respite away and celebrate our blessings.  If you have read here for very long you know we go to Colonial Williamsburg whenever we can.  Here are some photos from our time there.

Walking every morning was good for our souls.  We never tire of our visits to this unique living museum.

Wonderful Autumn sweater weather greeted us daily.  Even on the one rainy day we had we walked the area with our umbrellas. 

The handsome dovescote behind the George Wythe house is ready for residents.  Doves or pigeons would certainly love it here.

There are many folks enjoying this beautiful day here in Colonial Williamsburg.

All the pretty different fences here make me smile.

Relaxing and recentering was exactly what we needed.  Colonial Williamsburg was good medicine for us.  It was a lovely week and one that we will always remember fondly.

Thank you for stopping by my little space.  




  1. There's something magical about morning walks. They have this incredible power to set the tone for the entire day ahead. Whether you're strolling through a bustling city or exploring the serene beauty of nature, these early morning adventures have a way of invigorating both the body and the mind. As the sun begins to rise, casting its warm golden glow upon the world, there's a sense of tranquility that envelops everything around you. The air feels crisp

    I have a new article, I will like to hear your insight:

    1. Melody, we have enjoyed morning walks daily for most of our marriage. You have summed it up beautifully. Thank you for stopping by.

  2. I am so sorry to hear that Graydon has been plagued with health issues. As my friend and I were discussing just yesterday as we age so we start we start to breakdown. I hear your frustration at lack of specialists in the local area. Here our problems are exacerbated by our local hospital of over 100 beds closing down as it has been built with that crumbling concrete that was used some decades ago. It could apparently fall down at any minute without notice. It would be a disaster.
    Congratulations on your 56 years of being happily married and still together! What an achievement, you must have been babes in arms when you got married. I am so pleased you had decent weather bar one day when you were on your lovely respite week to colonial Williamsburg. Enjoy your special month from one October baby to another. Happy Birthday, my friend.

    1. Getting older does have its drawbacks, my friend. Having said that we are so blessed to still walk this beautiful earth. Some don't have that pleasure. That's horrible to hear about your local hospital! Our aging population is feeling the effects of the doctors that are retiring as well as recruiting new ones. Our area has experienced quite a boom in the last few decades that complicates the issue.
      Thank you for the wishes, my friend. Yes, we were both very young when we married. It seems like yesterday...
      Happy Birthday to you, my dear friend!

  3. I haven't been to Williamsburg in so long and it's lovely to see your photos. I'm glad it was relaxing and restful, hopefully restorative for you both. I'm so sorry that Graydon is dealing with ugly health issues and my hope is that all will be resolved and that a successful surgery will eliminate all the problems. It's so hard, waiting for the proper referral or doc and then all the right tests - very worrying. I've always believed the uncertainty is more challenging than knowing whatever because at least then you can do something about it. Sending love and all wishes for healing. Please know that you have a supportive community here and that you are welcome to share on blog or off if you need to.

    Meanwhile, I hope you have or have add wonderful birthdays and a lovely anniversary.

    1. Jeanie, you are so kind and I really appreciate your support. You know from experience the problems associated with health issues. Uncertainty is the challenge. We did enjoy our anniversary and my birthday. Grayden's is next week and we will squeeze in a celebration before his surgery. Thank you again for your kind words!

  4. It was good to read that your time in Williamsburg was good for both of you. I was sorry to read about the health struggles Graydon is having. It is so discouraging to not be able to get the care you need in a timely fashion. I do hope going forward things will improve. I'll add you to my pray list for ongoing health issues. Happy #56 and happy birthday to both of you!

    1. Thank you Ellen for the prayers on Grayden's behalf. This has been a trying time, but this too shall pass. I appreciate your birthday and anniversary wishes.

  5. Martha Ellen, first, I'm so sorry you and Grayden have been going through so much with his health. I hope he finds the proper care and treatment to take care of it and feels better. What a wonderful day spent at Colonial Williamsburg. I know how much you love to visit there. The streets and the houses and the white fences are so charming, and those stage coaches! Happy Birthday and Anniversary to you and Grayden, Martha Ellen, and how sweet that you both bought the same anniversary card. I love your Autumn wreath and flag, by the way. ; )


    1. Sheri, going to Colonial Williamsburg is always good for us, particularly this year. Our Autumn wreath and flag have been with us for many years now. Happy Autumn days to you, my friend!

  6. We were able to visit Williamsburg almost exactly two years ago. It was absolutely lovely.

  7. Those historical towns are always interesting to walk through. Especially if they have period, in-character actors like a blacksmith and other careers.

    1. Colonial Williamsburg is a wonderful living museum that has historic trades people working in a restored area learning from those actors (Jefferson, Washington) that were our nation builders. Very educational!

  8. I'm so sorry Grayden is going through all that. And you! We've decided it's actually harder on the other one than the one with the problem! If we lived close enough, we would love to visit Williamsburg every so often. Once was definitely not enough. Happy Anniversary!

    1. Jean, thank you. It was wonderful to get a little respite from all the appointments, etc. in Williamsburg. Wish you could visit there more often, but happy to hear you have!

  9. How wonderful! Happy Birthday to both of you and Happy Anniversary too. What a wonderful month to celebrate! How sweet that you bought each other the same card :) You know each other so well it comes as second nature after a while. Sorry to read about Grayden’s health issues but thankful the meds are helping. I can understand why you are so tired as it would be draining. I wish him a speedy recovery from the surgery. Going off to Williamsburg must have been a welcome respite. It has been too long since our last visit. Loved your photos and it looked like perfect sweater-walking weather. So nice to see one of my favorite places through your camera lens. Take very good care of yourselves and I will be thinking of you often next week, and every time else for that matter. Enough of my waffling. Wishing you both only the very best of things.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind wishes, my dear friend. We had the best time away from all the doctor appointments and focus on our blessings. Tomorrow we head for more tests before his surgery on Friday. You are so kind to keep us in your thoughts especially on Friday. It's lovely visiting your space during this time and as always a learning experience.

  10. So sorry to hear about Grayden's health issues. So thankful that his meds are bringing comfort. I was just talking with a friend who has neuropathy.
    You are so right about Colonial Williamsburg, beautiful place to get away to. Like a step back in time. Taken away from whatever is ailing or bothering us. Love those period homes and taverns. A soothing walk in the rain, love it.
    Happy Anniversary to you both and Birthdays too! Yes, so much to be thankful for. Praying for quick recovery for Grayden with the carpal tunnel surgery.

    1. Betsy, health issues are so concerning, but we have so much to be thankful for. We are still seeing doctors in preparations for the surgery on Friday. We really hope it will alleviate the pain he is having.
      Thank you for the wishes and the prayers. They are much appreciated, my friend.

  11. Hello, my friend. Happy Anniversary! And Happy Birthday to you both! I am sorry about Grayden's health issues. Prayers for him, and for you. It is stressful and emotional when our loved one is suffering. The trip was a lovely idea, and I thank you for the photos. I have never been! I love the homes and the fences. Again, prayers as surgery approaches.

    1. I really appreciate your kind words, my friend. Thank you, Billie Jo.

  12. Very belated anniversary and birthday wishes.
    I was sorry to read about Graydens health issues, sending healing thoughts and good wishes to him and you

    All the best Jan

    PS I enjoyed seeing your photographs.

    1. Thank you, Jan! Grayden is doing better since his surgery on his right hand. He will be having surgery again at the end of the month on his other hand. I appreciate you stopping by, my friend.


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