Wednesday, August 28, 2024

August with Family

Here I am again friends!  It's been a busy hot summer for us as I know it has been for you.  It's always good to reflect on the good things that happen among the life challenges that seem to crop up.

For many years we have come together as a family to our happy place--the beach.  This August family tradition is a wonderful way to enjoy each other's company.  Days on the beach are our favorites, but some years the weather keeps us inside.

This year was one of them.  The tropical storm Debby was making her way up the Atlantic coastline.  

The views from our balcony changed quite quickly.  Along with rain and fog we kept ourselves busy.  Eating, cooking, playing games filled our time together.

Miles taught us all how to play the card game Spit.  No, it does not involve spitting (thank goodness) but is a two person game that is fun and involves quick thinking. Noel certainly gave Miles a run for his money while I must admit he was quite faster than me!

Bear and Miles enjoyed quick games as both of them are always up for challenges.  

Grady bought a thousand piece puzzle from home that proved to be quite hard to see the different colorations of the pieces on the tiled coffee table.  So we moved lamps around for better viewing.

After hours of working on this puzzle we were all happy to have it solved before our week was over.

Noel, Peter, and Samuel shared a laugh early one morning watching a video.

Though the weather was not ideal we did enjoy daily walks and our times together.  We were treated to many beautiful rainbows, that my photos don't do justice!

Miles even ventured in the ocean for some body board surfing.

It's hard to believe our grandchildren are now all in their twenties!  We are so blessed to have these special times that we can all get together.

All of us have a special affinity to the ocean.  It's the perfect spot to gather year after year! 

"The heart of man is very much like the sea, it has its storms, it has its tides in its depths, it has its pearls too. " Vincent van Gogh

 A quote from The Letters of Vincent van Gogh.

Thank you for taking a look at our annual family beach trip! 



  1. A good time shared regardless of the weather.
    Samuel has most excellent taste in T shirts! Speaks a fellow Whovian!
    Have a good weekend!

    1. I believe this is Deb? Yes, Samuel, Noel and Peter are fellow Whovians! Samuel is writing and constructing a stop action video based on Dr. Who.
      Happy weekend to you!

    2. Sorry, yes, 'tis I! I need to keep on top of changes Microsoft makes to my cookies when they do an update. I finally figured out that it was the changes that were affecting my anonymity issues on Blogger. Oh, I would love to know what your family think of the new Doctor and the new series!

    3. Since I do not follow Dr. Who, I will ask them about the new Doctor. I do know they all have their favorite Doctors. I know they were excited when a woman was the Doctor.

    4. Deb, I do like Ncuti Gatwa as the new Doctor, yes. I've been a fan of Doctor Who since the late 1980s, so Seven is "my" Doctor and goodness knows Ace is "my" companion, but I usually enjoy every new iteration of the Doctor. I am biting my nails as Disney is getting involved, though, as for me the charm of Doctor Who is that it is BRITISH. I don't want it Americanized (and I was even a bit cool to the TV show that came out in the 1990s). But I think Gatwa is doing a very good job as the Doctor and have enjoyed the lastest series.

  2. So lovely to spend family time together.
    Shame the weather wasn't better, but you were fortunate to play games, do puzzles etc. That puzzle doesn't look easy!
    Here in the UK we've had a mixed bag of weather this summer.
    Hard to believe it will soon be Autumn/Fall.

    All the best Jan

    1. Jan, this puzzle was a doozy. A thousand very small pieces challenged us.
      Our summer has been a hot one! Last week we had a respite with reasonable temperatures, but the heat and humidity is back today.
      I've been thinking of you, dear Jan, and hope you are doing okay, my friend!
      All the best to you!

  3. Martha Ellen, what a wonderful and special time you had with your family at the beach. It looks like very foggy days, and I'm glad that Miles was able to do some body surfing. I smiled at this picture, as I come from a family of surfers. That puzzle is extraordinary, and it's amazing you all put it together, it doesn't look easy with many of the same colors. The daily walks sound so nice. What a dear trip to make every August with your family.


    **the rainbow is beautiful. I believe when we see a rainbow it is a gift. Thank you for the gift of the rainbow on your post today, Martha Ellen.

    1. The fog rolled in one afternoon along with a storm. Sheri these times are precious to Grayden and I. We are happy that our family likes to vacation together. The puzzle was a great team effort. There were a few times when we wondered if we would finish it! You are so right about a rainbow. It is truly a gift! Have a happy evening!

  4. Years ago I owned a summer cottage and we always made provision for rainy day activities. Sometimes I think we almost hoped for bad weather! I know that the most creative cooking too place during those times too. We can’t change the weather so we have to adjust - and that’s obviously what you did.

    1. David those rainy days at the beach can be fun. I love that you hoped for bad weather sometimes. A great attitude!

  5. This sounds heavenly being with your family at the ocean. Even if there is a bit of fog! (And a rainbow, too!). A puzzle is a terrific idea for a group like that. I remember hearing about the game Spit but never played. It sounds fun. What a treat,Martha Ellen!

    1. You can look up the rules to Spit Jeanie. It's a quick, fun game to play with anyone! August is always beach time for our family. Like you said, "a treat."

  6. What a very special family time despite the weather. That puzzle is a doozy! Amazing that you can enjoy the time with your older grands. If I live long enough I will be 86 and 88 when our grands are 20, Lord willing. The ocean is a great spot to gather and a great tradition for you all.

    1. Ellen, we feel very blessed to be able to spend time with our grands and children. With jobs and college it is very special indeed. We married young and had our children young. It's always precious to us. You always post lovely times with family that enjoys your company!

  7. So nice to see you all enjoying yourselves. Glad to hear you got away to the beach and looks like good weather to enjoy games with loved ones. And being a jigsaw puzzle person, I really liked the look of this one. Nice to have good weather but with family, it doesn’t really matter when you are in each other’s company. Have a wonderful Friday and a super weekend my friend :)

    1. Denise this puzzle was one of the hardest we've ever tackled. Even so, it was a fun "project" to work on together. You are right about the weather--spending time together is what matters. I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend.

  8. Happy faces all around enjoying good times together. I would love to be able to just be on the deck and hear the wind and waves, so relaxing. I must say that puzzle looks so very hard. I don't know if I would be able to finish one like that. So many parts of it look the same and same color. Great job on that one for sure. Do you glue them and frame any of your finished puzzles?
    Time at the beach is still time at the beach, a good place to be in any weather. Well except for hurricanes. I love being on the beach when it snows. I know the young ones would rather be in the water though. I envy you being able to get your family together for a vacation I would love to do the same. Work schedules and trying to get a time seems always a problem to work out. That rainbow is beautiful, and I love Van Gogh quote.

    1. Betsy you have shared my sentiments exactly-"time at the beach is still time at the beach." Getting us all together during August has been a family tradition for many years. We both agree about snow being on the beach as quite special!
      It was good to have a really hard puzzle to work on during this week when the weather kept us indoors.
      I hope you got some of that rain this week so you don't have to water, my friend. Have a happy weekend!

  9. I like the quote from Vincent Van Gogh. Even though the weather was not ideal this year, it looks like you continued to make some wonderful family memories and spend time together. That's the most important part anyway! Bonus: The ocean is beautiful in the fog and rain and storms!

    It is hard for me to believe that all of your grandsons are in their twenties! How does this happen so quickly? I'll never know.

    1. Van Gogh's quote was one I'd just discovered through his letters. Our family times are always special. With jobs and school it can be more and more challenging for us to all to get together so we treasure these times as they come.
      One of the great mysteries of how the grands grow so quickly has me pondering as well.


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