Thursday, July 20, 2023


Spending time outdoors every day plays an important part of my days.  Being a gardener there is always a reason to spend time tending to our plants and shrubs.  Whether it be pruning, weeding or just enjoying the beauty outdoors, it is my happy place.

While we were away through spring, I missed a lot of blooms that appeared this year.  Summer is hot and humid in Virginia so spending time in my garden has to be early morning.  

Grayden and I try to have Afternoon Tea on our patio.  The birds and butterflies join us.  I try to take my camera out with me to capture anything unusual.

Seeing a Monarch butterfly is so thrilling for us!  Do you see them in your garden?  If you plant a Buddleia (butterfly bush) you may find you see many butterflies.

One afternoon we spotted this Zebra Swallowtail.  He has never joined us before.

As you can see he has escaped harm somewhere in his life, but still so nice to see.

Even though I got a really late start at taking care of my garden, it brings me so much pleasure.  Do you find being outdoors for some part of your day is important?



  1. I love monarchs. I don't see them often but did see one the other day. They are like a special treat when they come. I admire your garden!

    1. I love them too, Jeanie! It's a shame so many people use herbicides in their gardens as it threatens them and all other butterflies.

  2. You have a beautiful garden Martha Ellen. How lovely to see your butterflies and birds and what must be a haven to all. Idyllic!

    1. Thank you for your kind comments, dear Denise. Our garden is truly my happy place. Have a nice weekend!

  3. My, your butterflies are beautiful creatures. It's such a pleasure sitting in the garden watching them isn't it? I noticed your buddleia is white. Mine is purple. A neighbour has one that is a deeper shade of purple, and another neighbour has one that is almost red.
    I remember the hot humid days of a Virginia summer all too well. One of my favourite times of day was to sit out on the stoop in the evening watching the setting sun.
    Enjoy your afternoon tea with Grayden. So very civilised of you to observe this every afternoon!

    1. Deb, I know you have experienced our hot humid summers! That's certainly a memory you can't forget. I can just imagine you watching the sun setting at the end of the evening --ahh....
      Spending time for tea in the afternoon gives us both a chance to connect and relax, especially if butterflies and birds join us. We used to have a pink buddleia, but it was too shady to thrive.
      Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Yes, I'm outside almost every day, Martha Ellen, and in the early mornings I water my plants too, as it gets too hot in the afternoon. Your photos of the butterflies are beautiful. I do see them fluttering about, but they don't stay long enough to take pictures. And the red cardinal! It's nice that you love gardening and just spending time outside near your garden. It's such a peaceful place where we can think and dream and pray and wonder. Everything looks so green and lush in your yard. I always enjoy your "home" posts, Martha Ellen. : )


    1. Sheri, you are right about butterflies not staying around for long! Since I planted buddleia they absolutely linger. I do love my "home sweet home" and it's especially wonderful to enjoy the peace that I feel when outdoors. I'm not surprised to hear it's the same for you, my friend.

  5. Beautiful Monarch and Zebra Swallowtail. Yep, early morning in the garden is the best time because of the heat later in the day!

    1. Ellen, though you live in a cooler part of the country, I know you understand when that heat comes early morning in the garden is best! Happy weekend.

  6. You are a true gardener, Martha Ellen and my hat is off to you! My own forays into the outdoors during these oppressively hot and humid summer days are limited to necessary outings (which are many these days!). That said, we were visiting family last weekend and we had several outdoor activities . . . and I survived!

    1. Oh Cheryl, summer can be such a challenge. So happy to hear you made it through outdoor activities with family! I do love being outdoors but surely do have to time it just right these days. So nice to hear from you, friend.

  7. I do enjoy being outdoors but I am no gardener. My green thumb rotted a long time ago. haha

  8. I've noticed more butterflies in the past two weeks but have not ventured outside to identify which ones up close. I'm usually only in my garden very early in the morning and they are still abed. I will have to venture out tomorrow afternoon with my camera to see if I have any Monarchs. Your garden under the trees with the bird bath looks lovely!

    1. Cathy, as the heat and humidity returned today, I worked on edging the mulch beds while our grandson cut the lawn. Today is what we call a doozy! The bird bath you see in the garden under the trees was a gift from my neighbors' family when she passed away. I learned so much from her about gardening and miss her wisdom. I hope you see Monarchs and other butterflies in your garden!

  9. I have noticed less butterflies in my area this season. More Japanese beetles though eating up the rose bush. I don't think I have ever seen a Zebra Swallowtail. I must take more notice. I like how you have your plants in the stands. Being out among the plants is so pleasurable for sure, but this heat and humidity does make me kind of sick if I stay out too long. Yes, we have to take advantage of the cooler early morning and I do enjoy that time with my coffee. Be freezing before we know it though.

    1. Betsy, the butterflies take spells visiting us. Yesterday there were a couple of skippers out there with a hummingbird! Of course that was a day I didn't take my camera. Stay safe in this heat, my friend. We've already walked and will stay inside for the remainder of today for sure!

  10. You have a beautiful garden ...

    All the best Jan


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