Thursday, July 25, 2024

A Little of This and That

 It's no surprise that I love viewing nature as most of you my friends do as well.  I have been watching a sweet little bird come and go at my feeder for a couple of months now and I'm concerned.  It's been difficult catching him with my camera as he is quite cautious and flits about nervously.

 I had to do some research to try to figure out what is going on with this male cardinal.  As you can see he has no feathers on his head like his other brothers.

It appears that he is molting, but the timing should have solved that issue by now.  Usually when a bird molts he has his feathers grow back fairly quickly.  Upon further investigation I read that bird experts don't agree as to why this happens.

 These experts believe it is possibly from parasites.  There really is nothing I can do to help!  Some experts also believe it could be from trauma.  I really feel bad for him as the ladies don't take kindly to him because of his looks!  Some ornithologists also think it could be genetic.  Whatever the reason this little guy still visits us at the feeder occasionally.  I wish him well and hope his feathers will grow back.  If you have ever seen a cardinal like him I'd like to know.  I've seen cardinals molting before, but never like this one.

On another topic Grayden was able to power wash our patio rug.  With his health issues the last couple of years a lot of jobs that he normally takes care of have been delayed.  

As you can see this rug was filthy!  I told Grayden we needed to buy another one as this would never get clean.  Boy, was I wrong!

Grayden has a small power washer that worked great on this really dirty rug!  

He was able to wash this rug on the front and the back so we were able to put it on our patio again.  Our concrete patio floor gets hot and this rug helps with that and anchors our patio table and chairs.

We are supposed to get cooler temperatures tomorrow.  Hopefully we will be able to enjoy our cleaned up patio rug as we watch the birds.  Maybe the sweet little bald cardinal with pay us a visit.

Thank you for stopping by, my friends.  I hope your day gives you joy!