Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Finding Joy at Christmas


This year has been a challenge for all of us.  We've been following the guidelines to stay safe.  Covid-19 reminds me that life can change in a moments notice.  I've always been a person that tried to roll with the punches.

Believing tomorrow will be better has always helped me to face difficulties.  My faith has taught me to rely on the One that is in control.

Still, with all that said,  I've been in a funk that surprises me.  I'm an introvert so the isolation doesn't bother me like my friends and family are experiencing.

Finding joy posting my thoughts here for the last six years has been a goal to share.

How can I do that when joy seems elusive?

I have experienced problems with depression throughout my adult life.

Why on earth would I share these thoughts with you today?


Because I know it is important to be real.

Because I know that I'm not the only one to have these feelings.

Because I know it will pass.