As when all seasons change, the former season hangs on. Though Spring doesn't officially begin until March 20, she has been knocking at our door since February. Winter doesn't give up easy. Our daily walks are as varied as the weather. Going from heavy winter gear to lighter sweaters and jackets tell us Spring is coming!
Our Susan Branch calendar hangs on the side of our refrigerator in the kitchen. March words are particularly beautiful and so meaningful.
In the garden we have been busy doing our winter cleanup. The last of the leaves that hang onto the oaks began falling as the new leaves push them away. New life is emerging everywhere.
When our temperatures dropped to 17degrees and snow fell I knew that would be the end of those daffodils that are blooming.
Have you noticed the change of sunbeams as they shine in your home? I really have as the angles of the sun change heading toward Spring.
The sun shining through our bedroom curtains caught my attention as well as the sun shining in the living room.
Change comes in subtle ways when Spring makes her entrance.
Another sign that Spring is coming is when the Eastern Bluebird visits us! It was thrilling to have him stay long enough to take his photograph. They are always on high alert and don't linger too long at the suet. We have an old bluebird box on one of our trees, but sadly they have never found it suitable for nesting. Some folks offer them meal worms, but we have not.
What signs of Spring have you seen around your home? Are the trees beginning to bud along with snowdrops or crocus or daffodils? I know some of you are still snow covered, but Spring will come in all of its glory. Look for her!