Snow Lessons
Snow brings squeals of delight from most children. Most adults have different views. I guess I'm still a little child at heart when it comes to snow! I feel like I did when I was a child watching the snow fall and hoping for canceled school, so my sisters and I could go sledding down the big hill we lived on. Even though I no longer sled down the hills, I enjoy watching the quiet beauty that comes as snow is blanketing our area. It gives me an excuse not to go anywhere, just enjoy the cozy fire, make chicken and dumplings and potato soup, read and relax.
It's been cold for the last few days. Please don't think we are wimps!
Our son had twice as much snow fall as we had. He reported this afternoon that schools will close tomorrow and the boys are just ecstatic! Even though they are very good students, who doesn't like an unexpected holiday? They have enjoyed rides down the hills just like their Dad did years ago and like I did as well. I'm glad some things don't change.

Grayden and I gifted each other a new bird feeding pole system for Christmas. Grayden installed this system a couple of days before Christmas and now only the birds are enjoying it. We have had quite a squirrel issue, but with this new system they are baffled from getting the bird seed. We also bought the baffle that deters raccoons as well as squirrels. Last year we had a raccoon peer into our home on our roof. One night I was unable to sleep and was sitting in my Lazy Boy resting. Above my head is a skylight that had two little beady eyes peering at me! It really frightened me. After doing research, we found it is not a good thing to have them on your roof as they will find a way inside! So Grayden and Samuel cut a limb off of the oak tree that was serving as a highway for the little bandits!
We have so enjoyed seeing all of the birds come to the feeders as well as the suet feeder we have on the tree.
I hope you are enjoying the quietness that winter brings. Whether it be snow or the cold weather, I hope it brings peace to your soul.
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
Such a warm and cozy post on this cold and snowy evening!
ReplyDeleteI too love the snow...for many of the same reasons you shared.
Your birds are lovely visitors!
I'll be sure to show them to Flynn!
Have a cozy evening, my friend.
I hope you have a cozy evening as well Billie Jo. I think you enjoy snow a lot more frequently than us. I hope Flynn enjoys the bird photos! ♥
DeleteMartha Ellen,
ReplyDeleteSNOW AND RED CARDINAL!! It is my dream to one day see the red cardinal. And I am lovin' all your snow! I bet that raccoon scared you a bit peeking in your house. We have a lot of squirrels around my area, and they scurry about right in the tree of my front yard. Your chicken and dumpling soup sounds delicious. Thank you for showing us your snow pictures. I really appreciate them, as I don't get to see the snow here. This is a delightful winters poem, and Robert Frost is a favorite. Your pictures are wonderful, Martha Ellen.
Sheri, it's so neat that we have different birds from you on the west coast. I remember seeing very different hummingbirds when we were in California. I do hope you will see a cardinal in person one day. Have a wonderful week ahead. ♥
DeleteI have always loved that poem by Frost. I am a 'fair weather' person. lol Give me snow for Christmas and then I want balmy weather. Of course, that is never going to happen in WI! I love that journal!!! xo Diana
ReplyDeleteDiana, I know some of you gals have so much snow you surely get sick of it! But for me an occasional snow does wonders for my spirit. Have a great week. xo ♥
DeleteI love your pretty pineapple flag, welcoming visitors to your door! I am sure that you and Grayden are enjoying your gift to one another . . . and you have lots of pretty birds enjoying it too!
ReplyDeleteOh my. I can't imagine how eerie it was to look up and see two beady eyes looking back at you! I am glad you foiled his plans to peep (and maybe even enter!
Your snow days sound so pleasant and cozy, Martha Ellen. But then, I think that you are good at creating a pleasant and cozy atmosphere in your home all of the time.
Cheryl the flag out front is one of those things that have not been removed with the Christmas decor. I think you need one for the Pineapple House! Hopefully the snow has been a blessing and not a problem for you. Enjoy a beautiful week. ♥
DeleteMartha Ellen! You are not a wimp at all, that's bitterly biting cold. I wish it would get cold here, just below freezing would do nicely, for a few days because we need it. We haven't had a properly cold winter for about five years and it plays havoc with the growing cycles, and bugs thrive! It's just too warm.
ReplyDeleteWe never had snow days, well, just the one all the way back in 1963 we had two whole days off because the outside toilets froze up and the steps down were slick as can be.
No, you do not want squirrels in your home! Happened to a friend of mine, the way she tells it we are always in stitches, but the bottom line is it was costly and not funny.
In the meanwhile, have a wonderful, cosy time snuggled up inside while the weather is white and marshmallowy outside xoxo
Deborah it's even colder this morning--9 degrees! The snow makes the temps stay down. The middle of the week is supposed to warm to the 50's! The weather is quite fickle.
DeleteUnfortunately some folks are experiencing frozen pipes and quite a mess happens because of it. I feel bad being all cheerful about the snow and cold when that happens.
Have a lovely day, my friend. ♥
I always love seeing our wildlife but seeing eyes glowing at me from the roof in the middle of the night would be a little disconcerting! I have to share my window birdfeeder with the squirrels because we can't think of anyway to deter them. Even when I let Gabriel out the door every so often to bark at them they still come back.
ReplyDeleteOur squirrels were so destructive that they were eating the bird feeders that had plastic bases. We even had them chew on the vent of our roof that leads to the attic. Grayden put cayenne pepper up there to deter them after replacing the vent. They do learn. Some folks buy the seed with that in it. It doesn't bother the birds and the squirrels don't like it. ♥
DeleteLove the bird feeder set up you have. We have the baffle on ours because the raccoons, squirrels, etc. will clean out the feeders in no time. Raccoons have a surprising reach and will really try to defeat anything you put up. We ended up creating out own multi-bird feeding post that is critter proof. I'm imaging the story about the raccoon on the roof and seeing it through the skylight- wow that would have been creepy! I have heard of them breaking into the attics of homes and making quite the mess! It really did get quite cold for you guys didn't it! As you know where I live it's quite the snow belt so it's a common thing here. We always admire it's beauty but I always wish our season of winter was a bit shorter. I know you guys will be back to normal in no time. We have 7 school days allotted by the school system and after they go past that number they have to have make-up days so the end of the school year gets extended. They try real hard to not call of school but as you can imagine it does happen frequently here. Btw you captured some great pictures of the birds!
ReplyDeleteLiz I remember seeing your bird set up. We bought ours from Wild Birds Unlimited. It really is working so we are thrilled. The height is taller and the raccoon baffle certainly keeps the squirrels away.
DeleteOur school system has built in snow days as well. I really hate to see the children miss so much school that they have to go well into the summer.
I hope your day is warm and cozy. ♥
Oh lovely lovely snow....beautiful photos Martha Ellen! It looks like a lovely January day and your home must smell heavenly with Chicken and Dumplings in the kitchen! Have a lovely week!
ReplyDeleteYesterday was a perfect day for Chicken and Dumplings, Betsy! We even have leftovers that will be great for lunch. Enjoy your day, dear one. ♥
DeleteOhhh man! I wish it snowed where I live! Your photos look lovely dear! <3 -
ReplyDeleteGingi I do enjoy a snow day. Thanks for stopping by. ♥
DeleteI love your banner and of course all the pics of birds! We have lots of them on our feeders today but it's so hard to get good pics through the window. It's not nearly so cold here but chilly for us, so I made chicken pot pie this weekend! Enjoy your day! Stay warm!
ReplyDeleteThank you Diane. I've really enjoyed seeing all the pretty birds you capture on your trails. So many different kinds. Nature is just amazing! Your pot pie sure sounds good. Have a nice afternoon. ♥
DeleteBeautiful photos! Your snow days sound like ours except I make corn chowder. Our snow day did not last long, even though we are still below freezing temperatures, the roads cleared with being pre treated and the frigid sunshine!
ReplyDeleteGrayden would love some corn chowder, Dotsie. Comfort foods are the order of the day. Our snow is sticking around, but by the weekend we're supposed to go into the 50's and 60's. Have a nice afternoon. ♥
DeleteThat would be freaky! Having a raccoon peeking in. Glad that that issue has been addressed. I have a horrid squirrel issue here and I would love to know how to rid myself of the dilemma. I no longer feed the birds as a result and I miss that. It was fun to read about your excitement over snowstorms. I can highly recommend a good sledding afternoon...lots of fun except for the climb back up the hill.
ReplyDeleteVee you have the perfect sledding hill. My last sledding trek was down our local hill. I'm afraid it was so slippery that I couldn't steer the sled and hit a neighbors mailbox pole. Let me tell you it cured my desire to go sledding at my age! Have a warm and cozy evening. ♥
Deleteoh!! so beautiful birds..
ReplyDeleteI love snow, too, Martha Ellen! That is a good thing as we get so much of it here. It was very cold for a few weeks but is warming back to normal temps now. We are fortunate to have a wonderful steep hill nearby that is called "Sledding Hill Park" --people come from many miles to use it. My granddaughter loves it.
ReplyDeleteWe also have very aggressive squirrels here and I've given up on trying to feed the birds. Half the year we can't have feeders out either as bears will also come to eat the seed. I do miss seeing pretty birds like the ones you photographed at your feeders!
Raccoons are so smart! One was trying to dig a hole under our patio steps so we had to buy heavy cement blocks to put there to deter him. Happily he hasn't come back since.
Pat your area is just a snow paradise. I have so enjoyed seeing your gorgeous scenery!
DeleteThis new feeding pole station must be put at least 10 feet away from any house or tree as a squirrel can jump that far. The pole is 12 feet long. The raccoon baffle has to be at least 5 feet off the ground as they are very smart in maneuvering with their hands. This system came from Wild Birds Unlimited. They have seeds and gadgets to deter wildlife, but I'm sure would not keep bears away. They will eat anything! Good luck with the raccoon issue as they are quite destructive!♥
What a beautiful post and I have enjoyed seeing the birds come around. Stay warm, dear friend, XOXO
ReplyDeleteThanks Susan--I know you are staying warm in your beautiful kitchen baking up a storm. Have a great one. XOXO ♥
DeleteI'm a real bird lover and this post has warmed my heart.
ReplyDeleteThank you Christine! I love birds as well and enjoy sharing my photos. Thanks for stopping by. ♥
DeleteBeautiful pictures of the snow! It was supposed to snow last weekend, but it didn't. I saw a little bit of sleet and the weather turned sunny lol!
ReplyDeleteOur temperatures are going to rise today, so I think all of the snow will be gone today. It's bright and sunny this morning! ♥
DeleteSquirrels are real rascals, and when I mentioned feeding them, Mr.C reminded me that they have their stash of acorns. Our bird feeder seems to do okay at keeping squirrels away. We have tons of snow here and it's so cold I can use the front porch as an auxiliary freezer. I'm looking forward to warmer temps and no snow, sometime in April.I hope you're having a good week. No snow, bright and sunny sounds wonderful.
ReplyDeleteJudy I know you get more than your share of snow! We don't get it often so it's kind of special when we do. Today is rising to the 60's so there is no snow around now. Have a great day. ♥
DeleteGood evening Martha Ellen,
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful post. A question. The second bird photo from the top. I have never seen a bird such as this one.. What a little beauty. Do you know the name of this bird?
I love to view the snow.. Notice I said view. I just don't think I could tolerate that severe cold.. You are no wimp, that is for sure..
Thank you so much for coming over to visit and leaving such a sweet note.
Wishing you good health and joy in this New Year. Love the poem you shared.
Hi Penny it's so nice to have you stop by. If you are talking about the woodpecker it's a Male Red Bellied Woodpecker! We see him and his mate at the suet feeders frequently in the winter. I always found their names interesting as the red is on their head.
DeleteOur snow is no longer with us as we had a high of 72 degrees today--Crazy weather. I hope the rains were good for your area and did no damage.
Have a wonderful weekend, dear Penny. ♥
Lovely to see all of your snow pictures.
ReplyDeleteLovely to see your bird pictures too, it's so lovely to sit a while and watch them isn't it. I'm sure your feeders and suet feeder are very much appreciated by the birds who visit you, and your garden.
Wishing you a lovely weekend.
All the best Jan
Jan I hope your weekend is going well and you can enjoy nature in your lovely country. ♥