Saturday, July 13, 2024

Hello Friends

It's been way too long since I've posted in this little blog.  I do appreciate all that come here.  Inspiration has been lacking but still I enjoy posting the joyous things that happen in our lives.  

 The America rose really bloomed beautifully into June.  

These same America roses change from a coral shade to a lovely pink.

The red knockout roses performed beautifully as well.  They provided many bouquets around our home the whole month.

Our hydrangeas don't typically bloom that well, but this year they have!  The pink ones mean they are growing in alkaline soil.

 The more purple are growing in acidic soil.  Sometimes you see both on one plant.  They are a favorite of mine and I enjoy bringing them indoors as well.  I learned a new trick this year that makes them last quite a while indoors.  Take your cuttings early in the morning and place in water immediately.  When indoors make a fresh cut and put alum on the cut edge.  Then place them in your container.  I've had some of them to last over 3 weeks on our tables.

This method works well for Lace Cap hydrangeas as well.

My gardens are now suffering from lack of attention and severe heat.  I am very thankful for the rain we received over the last couple of days.  We always have hot and humid summers, but this one has been quite oppressive to this old lady gardener!  (Grayden wanted me to edit that, but he lives in a dream world with me)!

We have had so many bunnies in our yard this year.  They have enjoyed eating rudbeckia, purple coneflowers, larkspur and even hostas!  I'm so happy they like what I plant.  I was recently reading an article about eating more plants, so maybe we'll try those in our next salad.  Only kidding friends!  Stay cool and hydrated.


  1. Hello! How lovely to see you here, my friend! Thank you for sharing your beautiful garden. Your hydrangeas are stunning! I hope you are having a nice, cozy, relaxing summer. Stay cool!

    1. Hello Billie Jo! It is a cozy summer. What would we do without AC?

  2. Wow

  3. Some things do better than others every year. This year, in my garden, it's the lavender and Crocosmia Lucifer doing outstandingly well. Of course, the weeds always thrive!
    Do you ever dry your mopheads for Autumn and Winter arrangements? Lacecaps doesn't work quite as well as the mopheads. It's very easy, just let the water in the vase run dry and the flowers automatically dry out without actually dying. Et voila! An accessory that costs a fortune in a florist shop.

    1. Our weeds love this hot weather, Deb. We spent the coolness this morning digging up Oxalis (wood sorrel or sour grass as some call it). I would love to be able to grow lavender as it is a favorite of mine---alas it needs plenty of sun.
      I have dried many hydrangea blossoms like you. Dried arrangements are favorites of mine. Have a great weekend!

  4. Martha Ellen, your roses are growing so nicely. Isn't that interesting that the American rose changes from coral to pink? And you know how much I love your red roses. Your purple hydrangeas are pretty as well, and I like the vase they are in. That is the cutest bunny photo. And it looks like he got pretty close up. That's great that you don't mind them eating the plants and such. I feel the same way about the deer.
    So sorry you've had the humidity. California sure gets hot in the summers, but we don't get the humidity like some of the other states. I'm glad you posted again. I was missing your sweet posts, and wondering how you were doing. Try to stay cool, Martha Ellen. And thank you for such a lovely post today.


    1. Sheri, the roses were growing nicely until the heat and humidity cranked up! We really did enjoy them. Hopefully they will rebloom again when the temperatures moderate. Thank you as always for visiting and your sweet comments.

  5. So far I've counted 32 bunnies this year (of course, some of them might be the same bunny -- you never know!). I love 'em. Your blooms are fabulous. Love those hydrangeas especially but the roses are wonderful too. Here's hoping your have a terrific week!

    1. Sounds like a lot of bunnies up your way as well, Jeanie! On our morning walks we always count them. You have a terrific week!

  6. Your flowers are exquisitely displayed Martha Ellen, and your garden must be such a joy. A cute little rabbit but I will send naughty bunny vibes and ask him not to eat your flowers! Wasn't the rain welcome? Our garden is suffering with the heat also, as well as my newly planted flowers. Hopefully they will hang in there for both of us. Happy week to you my friend.

    1. Denise I do hope you speak bunny as they don't listen to me! The rain was so nice and I'm so glad both of our gardens got a soaking. I do enjoy gardening, but this weather keeps me indoors. Have a happy week as well, my friend!

  7. You do have lovely roses to enjoy. It is hard to get inspired in the heat of summer I am finding. Stay cool!

  8. The roses are taking a rest now with all this heat and humidity. Same as me! You stay cool as well.

  9. Those American roses are stunning . . . the coral is such a gorgeous color! All of your indoor arrangements are delightful! Thank you for the tip for extending the beauty of cut hydrangeas. I am going to try that.

    I had to laugh at your "old lady gardener" comment (and also at Grayden's response)! It reminds me of a favorite quote, borrowed from a friend's sister. Phyllis said, "The older I get, the narrower my window of acceptable temperatures." I can relate! :)

    I am glad that you continue to post here, Martha Ellen. Inspiration comes and goes for me too, but our friendship endures and it is always good to hear from a friend!

    1. Cheryl, thank you so much for your sweet comments! I value our friendship dear one and always enjoy your words of wisdom.
      I love what Phyllis said!! It really sums up my feelings about the weather this summer. Hopefully she won't mind if I quote her!


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