Tuesday, July 30, 2024

North American Gray Squirrel

 Squirrels are so entertaining to watch.  I'm always amazed at their agility.  They are always welcome in our yard, well mostly.  We have had several run ins over the years we have lived here.  One year they ate a hole in the vent of our roof.  Grayden had to put up rat wire to keep them out of our attic.  They can really chew through just about anything!  My neighbors chain link fence was chewed by them!  Not the fence itself, but the wires that attach the fence to the top pole.  

 Even when they dig up my flowers I still am amazed at their abilities.  I was reading more about them the other day and learned that they can jump 4-5 feet vertically and leap horizontally up to 9 feet.  Keep those numbers in mind.  

Since we enjoy feeding the birds we bought a pole system that would keep the squirrels away.  It has worked for us for at least 15 years.  Since the Olympics are this year our squirrels are outdoing themselves.  This pole system is supposed to have 10 feet all around it to keep the jumping squirrels at bay.  Since our trees have grown in diameter we found it was no longer 10 feet away.

Knowing we needed to move the pole system, Grayden, Samuel, and I moved this pole system so we had 12 feet away from any trees or jumping off points.

Everything looked great for a while.....

Then we couldn't believe it, but I saw this little rascal back in the feeder!!

I actually saw him jump from the tree to this feeder!  Well, Sammy,  you are welcome to all the seed you want because you earned it.  Congratulations on the gold medal, my furry friend!

Thanks for taking a look at our attempt to outsmart the squirrel!  Have a great day friends!


  1. Oh those naughty squirrels... but they are such fun to watch!

    1. The squirrels are naughty, Latane. Their acrobatics are like no other!

  2. Yes, I think Sammy did earn his gold medal with that amazing leap! I think we're "kindreds" on this one too. I know that squirrels can be destructive given the right circumstances, but I, too, love watching their antics and acrobatics and they are welcome in my yard!

    1. Cheryl, they are fun to watch. We are kindreds, my friend. Even though they can go through a feeder full of food in no time flat, they are just trying to make a living! lol

  3. I have ceased my wars with squirrels and come to accept that whatever I do they are going to get their share of the bird seed. I can distract them from the feeders - somewhat - by strewing cracked corn on the ground. It’s inexpensive and they seem to go for it with gusto. Last winter a Cooper’s Hawk patrolled the neighbourhood for several days and the squirrels spent as much time watching for the hawk as they did on mischief!

    1. Glad to hear you have made your peace with the squirrels David. You have even given them cracked corn---so nice of you. We have hawks here as well and when they are around the squirrels know to stay away from the open spaces. They really know how to survive!

  4. Comical creatures to watch for sure, and persistent. My sister has a bird feeder at her kitchen window and the squirrel eats every bit of it. They chew fence post on deck really bad.
    Since the hawk has been watching over my garden patch, the squirrels and rabbits stay away.
    Stay cool, I heard the temps are going back up. My husband says no surprise there, it's summer. I know that but the humidity and heat, ugh!

    1. Hi Betsy, we've seen them eating on our fence posts as well. It's usually the youngsters as my dear neighbor used to call them! Glad to hear your bunnies and squirrels are wise to the hawk!
      You stay cool as well. Your husband is right, it's no surprise our weather here is taking a turn for more heat and humidity!

  5. Mostly critters get the best of us here in the country. It is entertaining to see their antics. We had squirrels at the feeders when we lived on the other side of the Cascades but now on this side of Washington we rarely see a squirrel. Chipmunks flourish and other smaller furry animals. Fun photos!

    1. We don't have chipmunks here, Ellen. Our son to our south has one that greets him at his kitchen window each morning as he's drinking his coffee. You really do have more critters. I always enjoy seeing what shows up at your place.

  6. Squirrels are such fun to watch. I love it when a couple begin to chase each other. We see a lot here but mostly black and red, although you can tell there has been a lot of cross mating going on. Today I saw one with an all black body and beautiful light reddish tail!

    1. I've never seen a black squirrel, much less one with a red tail. Sounds quite pretty. Squirrels are some of the most active mammals that we see daily.

  7. I had a smile about your pole system Martha Ellen, only because I have been thinking of having something similar and wondering if it would foil those naughty little critters. But, I have to admit that they are also our entertainment and we gave up on the idea. This could also be called "Where There's A Will There's A Way." They are little rascals! I remember them chewing the wood on our deck to get at any seed that may have fallen down the cracks. Thankfully they are left our Trex deck alone! Enjoy the rest of your week my friend.

    1. Denise, we both do share our love of all creatures that frequent our yard. Squirrels are so smart and so athletic! I even read that they will teach each other their tricks. You are right "where there is a will there is a way." This system worked for many years, but not now. I'm glad they are staying away from your new deck! I hope your weekend is fun my friend!

  8. I'm so glad to hear you appreciate the squirrels, Martha Ellen. As you know, I don't like them at all; mainly because I have a fear of them. But they are pesky little critters that come around on my lawn daily haha. These are wonderful photos of the grey squirrel, and look very similar to the ones who live in my area. The photo of the red bird is so pretty too. I hope you find a way to keep the mischievous squirrel from your feeders, my friend. You and Grayden and Samuel did a great job trying. : )


    1. I thought of you when I wrote this post Sheri! Hopefully our attempts to keep them out of the feeder will work in the future. Have a great weekend my friend.

  9. Loved this post, Martha Ellen! I need to check your blog more often, friend! 🥰

  10. You have some lovely photos. The red bird is awesome. Nice shot of the pesky little squirrel, too.

    1. I appreciate your lovely comments. Thank you for stopping by.

  11. I love your photos.


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